Thursday, September 25, 2008

The Great Bailout may be stopped after all...

Per Politico, the one group I thought had a shot at stopping this unconstitutional rubbish may just pull it off... The House Republicans. Pelosi won't push the Democrats to vote for a bailout without the House GOP on board to a great degree, and therein lies the opportunity. Here's hoping that Bush and his minions don't arm twist good conservatives and thereby leave us one final kick in the unmentionables before he leaves office. McCain, with his behavior and choices the last couple days, has ended any chance of my supporting the GOP ticket. Sorry, Gov. Palin.


Anonymous said...

Sorry, but I'd rather have a not-so perfect Republican than a perfect socialist. You are the Perot vote of 2008.

The Northern Virginia Conservative said...

Hey, knock yourself out, keep getting taken for granted.

Carolyn said...

No voters wanted this bailout. The polling was against it, so why is everyone whining now? Let the market work it out. We may have some tough times, but we'll get through.